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4208-13-T001 Power Supply - 1 to 3 Phase Rotary Phase Change Converter (“2020 Australian Engineering Excellence” Awards finalist)-image

4208-13-T001 Power Supply - 1 to 3 Phase Rotary Phase Change Converter (“2020 Australian Engineering Excellence” Awards finalist)

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Price: $4050 + Freight & handling + GST

Click on Drawing   191207 4208-13-T001 1 to 3ph power supply 

Power SupplySingle phase to 3 phase Rotary Phase Change Converter (1>3ph)                                                                                                              

Rating : 500 VA

Input: This unit Plugs into a standard 3 pin, 10A, 240V Low-Voltage(LV), 50Hz Single Phase, Power Outlet, or General Purpose Outlet(GPO)

Output: 3 phase, 4 wire(3+N), 41.5/24.0V Extra-Low-Voltage(ELV), 6.6A/phase, 50Hz (isolated) via 4 x 4mm banana terminals

The unit uses a 3 phase idler motor, in conjunction with capacitance, inductance and microprocessor technology to directly produce a 3 phase output having a relatively clean Analogue Sine Wave, low in harmonics.  Unlike Inverters which firstly rectify the incoming energy before chopping/switching the resulting dc link into a simulated, digitised, synthesised, harmonic laden sine wave 3 phase look alike output

This power supply has been designed for use in rooms not fitted(wired) with a 415V 3 phase power supply or outlet

The unit enables any room/area fitted with a standard Low Voltage(LV)240V single phase 3 pin, 10Amp power outlet (GPO) to run 3 phase ELV electrical subjects/modules

The unit will support both single & 3 phase, inductive, capacitive and resistive loads

Thus eliminating the need for traditional, expensive, high cost, dedicated, limited use, electrical machine laboratories fitted/wired with the higher, potentially more hazardous, 415Volt, 3 phase outlets

Approx. Size: 430x355x440mm .

Overall weight approx. 34kg

Fitted with 2 carrying handles

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