The Fourth Generation
Brief History
Following Australia’s transition to the metric system in 1966, the former
NSW TAFE, School of Applied Electricity,
Developed and introduced NSW TAFE’s first metricated Electrical Trades course No. 1027
for Electrical Fitter, Electrical Mechanic and Fitter/Mechanic apprentices
This Course revision provided the ideal opportunity to comprehensively overhaul and update
the course subject matter and introduce technological advances in electrical equipment, electronics and materials
The course was developed, in collaboration with Industry, and used the combined experience and efforts of a large number of the then NSW TAFE, School of Applied Electricity Teachers
Course No.1027, introduced a generational change in course structure, teaching culture, teaching methods, class aids and assessment procedures
Part of this change involved the development and introduction into practical sessions and classrooms of the
OH&S safe 3 phase 41.5/24.0Vac Extra-Low-Voltage (ELV) classroom reticulation system.
And, as a consequence, the need for and subsequent development of complementary ELV laboratory equipment
Following is the history of the development of these ELV electric Dynamic & Stationary machines including their controls
The current range of ‘Electric Motor Education’ equipment is the fourth generation in a line of the products previously manufactured, marketed and made famous by Betts Electric Motors.
The Betts product evolved from a concept originally developed by myself, as a teacher, for use as a personal teaching aid at Bankstown College of TAFE (NSW) in the late 1970’s to complement the then new 3 phase ELV 41.5/24.0V class room reticulation system
The original machines were built from obsolete industrial equipment donation to the electrical trades section of the college. (first generation)
In collaboration with the then Senior Head Teacher, Mr Ian Wyber (retired 2000) the concept was further developed and expanded. (second generation)
The student response to this hands-on equipment was such that it quickly generated the interest of other teachers, both within the section and at other colleges, and as a consequence a demand for more equipment.
To satisfy this demand a local electric motor manufacturer, Betts Electric Motors, was approached.
Betts in their wisdom picked up the concept, further developed the idea, and from 1980 produced and sold the equipment in quantity.(third generation).
The equipment is an integral component of all electrical machine teaching modules in NSW TAFE colleges,
Also, it has become the standard equipment used in other Australian and overseas teaching institutions.
The marketing of the Betts equipment was latter taken up by UNISTREAM PTY. LTD.
The success and popularity of this equipment is student driven. Beginning with the original machines students found this equipment to be extremely
“student friendly”(or tolerant).
Similarly, teacher and trainer feedback conclude, that this “Exrta-Low-Voltage”(ELV) / Low-Power system is much simpler, OH&S compliant, more robust and less cumbersome to manage in the class room environment. Plus it has the electrical and mechanical flexibility to adapt and conform with any of their continually changing(evolving) syllabus requirements
In practice, the classroom safety of the ELV system and equipment has proven to be superior to other more expensive, commercially available systems, which operate at the higher (less desirable) standard mains Voltage: “Low-Voltage” (LV).
Unfortunately, Australia’s free trade policies have made the manufacture, in Australia, of electric motors uneconomical. This has resulted in the Australian electric motor manufacturers (including Betts) ceasing production.
The Betts equipment, not produced for many years, aging existing equipment (approaching 30 years) much in need of replacement, and a continuing general requirement, has generated the need for a replacement product.
In 2008. unable to source a new supplier, I was approached by Mr Robert (Bob) Kefford (retired 2016), the then Head Teacher. Meadowbank TAFE (NSW), as to whether I (as the original designer/builder of the equipment) may be able to reproduce the products
After considerable research. the equipment I am now producing, and further developing, is a result of that request. (fourth generation).
These Machines and their auxiliary control gear are ‘the standard’ around which Australian TAFE institutions have developed their ‘electrical machines’ course syllabuses.They are used for both lesson and examination practical exercises
Ian R. Holder
Managing Director
eme (Aust) Pty. Ltd.
Electrical trades teacher, NSW TAFE, (Retired 2002)
Diploma of Teaching
Electrical Engineering Certificate
Mechanical Engineering Certificate
Design Draughtsman Thereafter – Both Electrical & Mechanical
Electrical Fitter
Electrical Trades Certificate
Qualified Supervisor Certificate – Electrician EA54503
NSW Dept. FT Contractors Licence – electrical 5149C Qualified
With more than 60 years(1958) practical industrial experience, in all facets, both electrical & mechanical, of the design, manufacture, repair, rewind & maintenance of electric machines (both Dynamic & Stationary)
29th November, 2010