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71-1-CT001 Capacitor - External Bank-Starting Torque-image

71-1-CT001 Capacitor - External Bank-Starting Torque

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Price: $450 + Freight & handling + GST

This is an external adjustable capacitor bank for used with the Capacitor Motor 71-1-H100-A 71-1-CT001 CapStart Torque Diag

140306 circle diagram issue A

When used in place of the Capacitor motors inbuilt Starting Capacitance The motors starting capacitance can be adjusted in steps of 50uf between 50 to 750uf

With the capacitor motor coupled to the Eddy Current Dynamometer 56-0-L005-A the Locked-Rotor starting torque can be observed to increase with increase in starting capacitance

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