Please Note: Prices subject to change without notice
71-20-FRP001 : For/Rev(Plug Brake) Induction Motor Module(Manual)
Price: $300 + Freight & Handling + GST
This is a Manual SCIM : Forward-Stop-Reverse(Plug Brake) Motor Starter
This is a stand alone module is used in conjunction with the 3 phase Squirrel Cage Induction motor(SCIM) (Product Code: 71-3-L004)
The Starter can be used as a “Manual 3 phase Forward/Reverse switch”, &/or
to manually demonstrate “Plug Braking”, in either of two modes
- Plug Braking with Full Voltage(i.e. Max. Braking Current), or
- Plug Braking with current limiting resistance
For best braking effect the 3 phase SCIM should be fitted with the Inertia Wheel Coupling (Product Code: 130712/614)
Click below for CCT diagram