Please Note: Prices subject to change without notice
71-3-L004-A : Motor, 3 phase, 44W, 4 pole, 41.5Vac, 50Hz, SCIM
Price $605 + Freight & handling + GST
This is a 3ph, 44W, 4 pole, 41.5 Vac, Delta connected(Δ), 50Hz, Squirrel Cage Induction Motor (SCIM)
The motor has six(6) leads terminated at the terminal box with 4mm diam. sockets enabling the motor to be externally connected for Star/Delta (Y/Δ) starting.
The motors designed low output of 44W enables the student to grip the shaft mounted metal coupling in their hand to stall (Locked-Rotor) the motor. This enables the student to physically feel the difference in torque between the Star(Y) and the delta(Δ) connection as predicted in the theory. i.e. T(star)= 1/3 T(d.o.l.(Δ))
In combination with the following auxiliary equipment all the various 3ph SCIM reduced voltage starting methods can be demonstrated
Voltage Starter Auxiliary Transition
reduction device
0% (Full Voltage) Direct-on-Line(DOL) 71-3-SD001 &/or 71-20-FRP001
50% Auto Tx 3P-3-100L Open CTT Transition Tx
50% Korndorfer(Tx) 3P-3-100L Closed CTT Transition Tx
58% Star/Delta(Y/Δ) 71-3-SD001 Open CCT Transition
58% Wauchope(Y/Δ) 71-3-SD001 Closed CCT Transition
65% Auto Tx 3P-3-100L Open CCT Transition Tx
65% Korndorfer(Tx) 3P-3-100L Closed CCT Transition(Tx)
85% Auto Tx 3P-3-100L Open CCT Transition(Tx)
85% Korndorfer(Tx) 3P-3-100L Closed CCT Transition(Tx)
85% Primary Resistance 3R9-3-100R Closed CCT Transition
Soft-Starter Product Code 6E003B2 (i.e. variable voltage control)
Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Speed control Product Code 55-3-Z005 Sub & Super-Synchronous speed (i.e. variable frequency control)
DOL &/or Star Delta(open or closed transition) (Manual) Product 71-3-SD001
DOL Reversing Starter(Manual): Product 71-20-FRP001
Plug Braking Module(Manual): Product 71-20-FRP001
Dynamic Braking Module (Automated): Product 71-10-BD002
Dynamic Braking Module (Manual): Product 71-20-BD100