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71-1-L900-A : Prime Mover - 240Vac, Single Phase - 4 pole, dual Capacitor SCIM-image

71-1-L900-A : Prime Mover - 240Vac, Single Phase - 4 pole, dual Capacitor SCIM

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Price: $650 + Freight & handling + GST

This is a 240 Vac, 50Hz, Single phase, 4 pole, dual capacitor motor

Its primary purpose is as a Low Speed prime mover for driving loads clipped to the Machine Bed Plate (091002-A)

Also, as the motor has ALL leads from, both the Main & Auxiliary winding, both the Run & Start capacitors, the Auxiliary winding Cut-Out switch, thermal overload protector, and its 3 core supply flex brought out and terminated within its terminal box, it is an ideal motor for students to practice hands-on disconnect/reconnect exercises in the practical session of “Restricted Licence” courses,

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