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130712-614 : Coupling/Inertia Wheel - Metal, 14mm Bore-image

130712-614 : Coupling/Inertia Wheel - Metal, 14mm Bore

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Price: $120 + Freight & handling + GST
Inert Wheel
Ideal for comparing different methods of motor Starting and Braking
Bore: 14mm diam,
suitable for all metric 71 Frame motors

This Inertia wheel replaces the standard metal coupling (Code 090206-614)SCIMThis is a simpler, smaller, stand alone motor and inertia load arrangement.

Unlike the Betts Inertia wheel which is a separate load  requiring both it and the drive unit  to be mounted on a machine bed plate for coupling064

It will be noted that this inertia wheel also has the 6 drive hole for accepting the rubber coupling (code 090128-3) thus still enabling the coupling of 2 machines on a machine bed plate. The Inertia wheel in this arrangement now acts as and can demonstrate a flywheel action

When fitted to any of the ac or dc motors the wheel’s inertia enables the test set-up and instruments to more clearly demonstrate the functional difference  between different starting and braking methods

The wheel weighs 2.63 kg
mass: m = 0.268 kg
Moment of inertia:  J = 7.54 x 10-4 kgm2
Outside diam. = 150mm

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